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Фотоэлектрические датчики Omron устанавливаются в десять раз быстрее!
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Корпорация NEC начинает выпуск второй версии многофункционального транспортного шлюза CX2600/100
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MOXA анонсирует новый встраиваемый компьютер ThinkCore V481
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MOXA анонсирует MOXA EDS-728 - 24+4G портовые резервируемые, управляемые, модульные Gigabit Ethernet коммутаторы
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Новые продукты военного образца для ВВС. Разъемы Push Pull: легкость и быстрота в применении
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Компания NEC представляет 10-мегабитные высокоскоростные оптронные пары с 8-милиметровым каналом утечки
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NEC расширяет линейку NP-Series МОП-транзисторами (PowerMOFSET) высокой прочности
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Our partners
Bredel Hose Pumps is the leading manufacturer of flexible-hose pumps and
hose materials. This type of devices allow to pump corrosive and abrasive
substances, highly viscous and shear-sensitive liquids, as well as medias
containing large solid particles. | 
The key focus area of the company is manufacture of contact- accessories
for protection of contacts from damages, retardation of corrosion,
inhibition of electromagnetic and radio interferences; Micro-D Series
contactors, fiber-optic connectors, isolating tubes, composite contactor
casings, tools, splitters and braids.
See full catalogue. |
| |  |
NEC Electronics Corp.
Is specialized in manufacturing microcontrollers, electrooptical components,
power MOS-transistors, TFT LCD-modules, HF and UHF components, as well as
optic electronic devices for optic-fiber communications systems.
See full catalogue. |  |
Vishay Company is one of the largest world manufacturers of discrete
semiconductors and passive components. Today, it offers widest range of
products – from simple resistors to most precise, reliable and
load-stable Bulk Metal(r) Foil resistors, from common optic sensors to
complex tension measuring systems, from standard condensers to
special-purpose highly stable and precise condensers.
See full catalogue. |  |
MOXA is one of the leading companies in the world market in the area of
communication servers. Today, such communication servers as NPort
Express and NPort Server are well-known worldwide. They allow to
transform any device having serial port into network one, as well as to
connect it to Ethernet without any changes or modifications. NPort
Express and NPort Server became especially popular due to wide
application of local networks for manufacturing control.
See full catalogue. | 
Cortem Company is specialized in manufacture of explosion-proof boxes
Exe and Exia, cable inputs, explosion-proof seals, fittings and
explosion-protected pipe casings.
See full catalogue. |  |
is the Swiss company, the leading developer and
manufacturer of high-quality electric connectors for different branches
of industry.
See full catalogue. |  |
PULS GmbH Company is specialized in manufacture of power supply units
and DC transducers. SilverLine
Dimension power supply units have maximum efficiency (up to 95%) with
minimal dimensions (up to 55% compared to power supply units of other
manufacturers). See full catalogue. |
For all technical information and
please, call us or send your wishes by
Компания NEC представляет Виртуальный Компьютерный Центр (VPCC)
further >>Компания Рантэл предлагает Вам для консультаций и поставок продукцию Bredel Hose Pumps
further >>NEC COMPUTERS начинает поставки нового отказоусточивого сервера EXPRESS5800 и новых усовершенствованных сервисов
further >>Alcatel-Lucent и NEC объявили о создании совместного предприятия для реализации проектов LTE
further >>Создан флеш-накопитель емкостью в полтора терабайта
further >>Samtec расширяет серию разъемов Q2 модификациями, которые монтируются под прямым углом и на краю плат
further >>Samtec расширяет линейку кабелей высокоскоростной передачи данных новым кабелем с сопротивлением 75 Ом
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